Case Study

Anita's Inspiring Journey with a TITAN Master Reseller License

Name: Anita

Location: England

Niche: Film & Music

License Type: Master Reseller


Meet Anita, a dedicated nurse who, alongside her full-time job, always yearned to have a side hustle that could complement her income. Her aspirations grew as she welcomed a baby girl into her life. Anita's quest for a side business led her to the world of selling digital products. This path offered several advantages, including the absence of a physical inventory and the flexibility to work during the quiet hours of the night when her baby was asleep.

The TITAN Advantage

Anita's journey was enriched by her acquisition of a TITAN Master Reseller License. This license provided her access to a diverse array of digital products, which she could utilize as the foundation of her side hustle.

Anita's Strategy

Anita's journey to success can be summarized through the following key steps:

  1. Balancing Nursing and Side Hustle: With a demanding full-time nursing job and the responsibilities of motherhood, Anita recognized the need for a side hustle that offered flexibility. Digital products offered the perfect solution as they could be managed during the baby's naptime and after her nursing shifts.
  2. Platform Selection: Anita initially began her side hustle journey using the eCommerce platform Gumroad. As her business grew, she transitioned to building a new website through Shopify. These platforms offered her the necessary tools for selling digital products efficiently.
  3. Product Focus: Drawing from her love for music and film, Anita's digital product offerings were centered around Royalty-Free Music Bundles and Sounds for budding music producers. These products, readily available in the TITAN Library, allowed her to cater to a niche she was passionate about.
  4. Brand Creation: Anita didn't just sell products; she created a distinctive brand with a creative twist based on her baby's name. This personal touch added uniqueness to her business, attracting customers who appreciated the brand's story.
  5. Growth and Progress: Anita's determination and the appeal of her products positioned her on a trajectory toward breaking through the $3,000 per month barrier in her side hustle.

Results and Success

Anita's perseverance and resourcefulness have led to significant success in her side hustle. She is currently well on her way to achieving the $3,000 per month milestone. Here are some of her own reflections on her journey:

"The TITAN Master Reseller License allowed me to kickstart my side hustle with an impressive array of digital products that I could offer to my customers."

"Juggling a full-time nursing job, motherhood, and my side business was challenging, but the flexibility of selling digital products made it feasible."

"The transition from Gumroad to Shopify represented a significant step in the growth of my business, offering enhanced tools and potential for expansion."

"My love for music and film has been a driving force in building my product offerings, and the uniqueness of my brand story has resonated with my customers."

"I'm thrilled to be on the path to breaking through the $3,000 per month barrier, which is a testament to the possibilities that digital product businesses can offer."


Anita's journey from being a full-time nurse and new mother to a successful side hustle entrepreneur exemplifies the potential of the digital product market. Her dedication, flexibility, and a personal touch in her branding have made her business not only profitable but also deeply connected with her passion for music and film. Anita's story serves as an inspiring example of how, even amidst a busy schedule and life's demands, one can carve a successful path in the digital product business with determination and creativity.

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